Been long time gone...

By Holly - 4/16/2008 01:11:00 PM

Sorry all...I know it's been so long since I've posted. Last weekend, Ryan and I were both sick, again. (It's getting really old) I did however, get to see our friends Ashley & Matt get sealed on Saturday. It was so wonderful to go back to the temple and be on the other side. They were married a little over a year ago, then Matt was baptized and now they are sealed for time and all eternity. I just love happy endings! So going way back...Ryan and I had a great time at the coast with the Humbert side. We got to see Eric, Jen and Luke (who live a few hours away) We brought Campbell and of course she loved every minute of it. Luke was imitating her grunts and ruffs, he's so adorable. Once we got home, she slept for pretty much the next couple of days, she was so tired. I went to the Dr. today and Baby Z is growing and doing fine. I start going every 2 weeks now, so I'll have more Dr. updates. She has a strong heart beat and moves around like crazy. She was head down this morning, although she'll move between now and birth day, so hopefully she'll eventually go back to that spot. he measured my belly this morning and commented on how she had grown. I'm really glad that he recognized it was her growing, not just me. At the lab they forgot to test my blood for hepatitis B, so I got to go back to the lab and wait for a couple of hours to get more blood taken. (Side note: I passed my glucose test!) This morning when my phone alarm went off, Ryan handed it to me and it turned off. Something between the 15 seconds of beeping and Ryan handing it to me, broke it. So I now have a new phone. It's pretty much the same thing I had before but it's a slider one and it's blue instead of pink. I have the same number, but a few of my phone numbers got lost in the switch, so I might be sending out e-mails to reclaim lost numbers. Ryan has been working really hard at school. Finals week is just around the corner and he has lots of papers and projects due before the end of the semester. He's been working so hard all semester and I'm so proud of him! Thank you to all who came to my baby shower. Ryan and I got some wonderful gifts. Our little girl now has more than just a few onesies and will be dressed in style! I'm having another baby shower at work on Friday. I'm hoping we get a few more gift cards to cover the rest of the cost for the stroller/car seat set. Ryan's mom took me to the fabric store yesterday to pick out fabrics for a baby quilt. I'm so excited to see it finished. It's got lots of pink in it, but it's more of a modern tone. I'm even more excited to see the little baby girl that will get wrapped in it. I tried to add pictures but it wouldn't let me. Here is a link to the fabric line. (some of it is fromt he Orange Dahila line and some is from the Pink Dahila line) As birth day is drawing near, I'm getting so excited to not only, not be pregnant, but to be able to hold our little girl. We are so blessed to have such loving and caring families. This little girl will get quite the welcome to this world, and I'm so happy we have so many people to share it with. Thank you all for your love and support. XOXO, Holly & Co.

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